Directors & Officers for Private and Charter Schools

D&O Schools
D&O Schools

Focus on your school's mission without risking everything you’ve worked to achieve.

Private-independent school leaders are vulnerable to a multitude of Directors & Officers (D&O) exposures—they can be held personally liable for their own activities as well as the actions of those they oversee. Even if no wrongdoing occurred, claims are expensive, time-consuming to investigate and defend, and can hurt morale—not to mention make it difficult to serve your students. 

ISM’s Directors & Officers Liability Insurance helps you protect your Directors, Officers, and Board members from costly claims, as well as safeguarding their personal assets.

Why Choose ISM?

  • Benefit from policies and procedures tailored to K–12 private-independent schools.
  • Attract and retain qualified executives and Board members.
  • Rely on our experienced team for dedicated support in your decision-making.

Plus, our Employment Practices Liability Insurance protects your school leaders from employee-related claims of discrimination, harassment, and wrongful termination.

Are You Protected?

Are your Board members, directors, officers, and employees covered if . . .

  • A student’s parents file a claim against your school, asserting their child was unfairly disciplined and they charge wrongful disciplinary action.
  • A donor gave a large contribution to your school, specifying the funds were to be used for a specific initiative. Your Board and School Head decided to apply some of that donation to a different initiative. The donor filed suit, alleging misappropriation of funds.
  • A group of parents take legal action against a particular faculty member’s grading system for their students, which would be considered a failure to educate.

Even if the claim is proven false, the defense costs could be devastating without the proper coverage. ISM’s Directors & Officers Liability and EPL Insurance secures your school’s directors, officers, Board members, and employees’ personal assets and safeguards your school from potential costly settlement litigations.

D&O/EPLI Coverage for Nonprofit Church Programs

Directors and Officers of the church can face personal liability for financial damages arising from numerous causes. Even in states with legislation protecting nonprofit Directors and Officers from lawsuits, this coverage proves necessary for situations such as failing to maintain adequate financial...

Fiduciary Liability Endorsement

Fiduciary Liability Coverage for Organizations and Private-Independent Schools ISM’s Financial Liability Endorsement provides the broadest, state-of-the-art fiduciary liability coverage and the expertise nonprofits need.. The Fiduciary Liability Coverage Endorsement provides claims-made cove...

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